Thursday, May 27, 2010

Procession For Firefighter Who Died In A House-fire

A procession for firefighter John Glaser proceeds south on Quivera Rd in Lenexa, Ks today. Glaser, a member of the Shawnee, Ks fire department died while searching a burning house last Saturday. More than 100 fire-department apparatus, police motorcycles and other vehicles were in the procession honoring Glaser. Personnel and equipment from many area departments took part. Firemen from other states attended the funeral. The Kansas Patriot Guard participated also.

Urban Hawk With It's Prey

I cut through a neighborhood today to avoid congestion on a main street and came up to a stop sign and noticed a hawk sitting on a light pole. I was able to get across the street and park. I opened my camera bag and got my D-300 Nikon out, and replaced the small zoom with a 70-300mm lens. The hawk stayed there just long enough for me to get a series of photos as it took off with the bird it had just caught. In recent years I have noticed the numbers of urban hawks increase dramatically.

Monday, May 24, 2010

How I Found a VW Car Show at a Quicktrip

Yesterday I drove to Riverside, Mo. to see and photograph a car show featuring Volkswagens. It was put on by the Mokan VW Club and according to their web-site there would be "Bugs, Busses and Bicycles on May 21-23, 2010". I am a sucker for such shows as I have owned both a bug and several busses.

I got to the park in Riverside about 9:30am on the 23rd and found only about 3 VW busses. What a small car show, I thought! There were some Boy Scouts camped in the same area. I asked one if this was where the VW car show was and he said, "Most of them left earlier". Great!

I drove into Riverside headed for a great surplus store called NationAL's to at least make my trip worth my time and gas. I spotted a Quicktrip with a low gas price of $2.49.9 per gallon and decided to fill up. I turned in and spotted a large VW dealer sign strapped onto a vintage VW pickup. Wow, must be from the show. I stopped and was taking photos of the sign when a couple of VW busses and a couple of bugs pulled in for gas too. Things were looking up, as far as cheap gas and VW photos go.

I talked to several of the owners of the VW's and they said most of the approximately 150 vehicles at the show on Saturday left that evening or early Sunday. I will have to remember to go on Saturday next year!

Here are photos taken at what I call "The VW Car Show at a Quicktrip".

With a bit of the Luck of the Irish I got some fun VW shots!

See more of my car photos at my smugmug gallery.

Anatol Josepho, from Siberia, patented his 'Photomaton' in 1925. An automatic photography machine, the Photomaton produced a strip of 8 photographs. This was the first successful photo booth. By the way, I see both photo booth and photobooth used to describe the machine.

Most photo booth photos are black and white and about 1.5" x 2" in size. I have some that have been hand colored. Strips of un-cut photo booth photos are not found often.

Here are a few selected images from my collection.