Saturday, October 30, 2010

It Is Not Your Grandma's Halloween

A friend and I wanted to have a little fun on a friday night and chose to take a stroll through a Halloween costume store in Kansas. It was fun. Far out costumes, masks and weird statues of demented humans.

You may be asking how come the images look so weird? Well they look normal to me, at least that is what it looked like last night.
Yes. Maybe we shouldn't have eaten at that famous fast food place that can make you gain lots of weight if you eat only there for 30 days in a row! Maybe it messed up my brain.
No, just kidding, it really looked like this.
No, you got me, not really. Just my warped brain and an accident using Photoshop many years ago. Photo lesson time: take any photo, bring it into P.S. and choose the curves tool. Then start pulling the graph around slowly and to the extremes. Amazing things happen. Try it.


  1. Is that zombie woman in the last photo trying to nurse

  2. I believe she is a nurse and may be the mother of the wee little Irish potatoe. That is if she has all her toes.
